
Instructional Leaders & Educators

The Early Childhood team at Loop Learning Center is extremely dedicated, loyal and passionate about our vision “To Ignite a Sparkle in the Eyes, Hearts and Minds of Children so they can become life-long learners.”  We help children discover, explore and learn as they interact with the environment and others through meaningful secure relationships.

The Loop Learning Center team provides a warm, loving, safe and nurturing environment that allows for creativity and growth.  Our staff is friendly, compassionate, approachable, respectful and highly skilled in their interactions with their students.

Small Group Sizes

The small group sizes in the birth to three program allows for individuality, relationship building and effective, engaging interactions and developmentally appropriate environments.

We believe all children deserve a great early learning experience, “Where Learning is Child’s Play”.

The Loop teaching team is comprised of Master’s, Bachelor’s, and Associate degree teachers in Early Childhood Education, as well as ESL certified, plus:


Minimum Hours of College


Minimum of hours in

Early Childhood


Minimum hours of

annual professional development

Instructional Leaders

The high-quality preschool classrooms include a well-organized and managed classrooms, social and emotional supports, and instructional interactions and materials that stimulate children’s thinking and skills.   The Loop teaching team is comprised of Master’s, Bachelor’s, and Associate degree teachers in Early Childhood Education, as well as ESL certified. The family support staff has Bachelor and Master degree in Social Work. The Assistant teachers also have Child Development Associates (CDA), plus 60 hours of College with a minimum of 15 hours in Early Childhood and a minimum of 20 hours of annual professional development.

The teaching team supports and extend children’s thinking, problem solving, and conversational skills and vocabulary.  The Instructional Leaders ensures that all staff support children’s engagement by making concepts and skills salient, ask questions that encourage children to analyze and reason, provide the right amount of help, offer feedback that acknowledges children’s attempts and motivates continued efforts, and provide high-quality language modeling.

Effective instruction for all children requires specialized teaching and learning opportunities to access, participate and thrive in an early learning program.  The Loop teachers are sensitive and skilled in interactions; they use ongoing assessments of each child’s skills to plan instruction; and they choose and use curricula and activities that engage all children, regardless of their strengths or needs.

Partnership with Families

The Loop staff welcomes children of all abilities and nationalities.  The teaching team supports families through Early Intervention, resources, partnerships, curricula, assessment and ongoing training for our parents and educators.   Our family support staff is highly trained and knowledgeable in implementing the Parent as Teachers curriculum and works with families on a consistent basis to ensure that their child is growing, learning and developing at the appropriate developmental milestone.

We believe all children deserve a great early learning experience, “Where Learning is Child’s Play”.

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